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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will there be opportunities to volunteer?
    Yes there will be “Friends of Monon South Trail” groups to support the trail, help clean up, maintain, coordinate events and be ambassadors! In our public meetings we have already been gathering names of people enthusiastically supporting the trail. To volunteer, please visit
  • What are the projected costs to complete the trail?
    The Monon South Trail is destined to be Indiana's longest contiguous trail, spanning 57 miles from Mitchell to New Albany. Since the earliest days of planning for its construction, trail and community leaders have recognized that raising funds to build the trail would be an imperative challenge to overcome. Cost estimates for complete trail construction have significantly increased from $40 - $45 million in 2021 to now $70 - $75 million in 2024. This increase comes as a result of inflation, increased labor rates and higher material costs. The first round of grant funding provided by the State of Indiana Next Level Trails program (~$23 million), Indiana READI 1.0 ($1 million) and Radius Indiana ($1 million) have gotten trail construction off to a robust start, allowing for an expected 20 miles of trail to be built in Phase 1 with an expected completion of 2025. Of the $25 million available for Phase 1, 10 - 20% has been used for surveying the corridor, engineering and design of the bridges and road crossings, legal expenses, and trailhead design. The remaining funds will be used for Phase 1 construction, which has been awarded to MAC Construction. No grant funds have been used for Radius’ contribution to project administration or management fees. Phase 1 of construction, which began in July, includes a 10-mile stretch connecting Deam Lake Road to Borden and New Pekin, as well as municipal trail segments in Salem, Campbellsburg and Saltillo, Orleans, and Mitchell. Once completed, this phase will place trail segments within easy access of thousands of residents in those communities. Completion of Phase 1, plus infrastructure-intensive trailheads, will utilize all funds that have been secured to date (~$25 million). All parties involved in the successful implementation of the trail recognize that more funds need to be secured to allow for the complete trail to be built. Trail leaders and community stakeholders are currently working hard to identify and apply for additional funding to form the complete, continuous 57-mile trail. We share in the excitement and anticipation of the future Monon South Trail and look forward to bringing this recreational asset to southern Indiana.
  • Will there be cell phone reception?
    Like many areas of southern Indiana, cell phone reception will be strong in areas closer to towns and trailheads with cell towers nearby, but may not be as strong in the more rural sections of the trail.
  • What about porta-pots?
    Restrooms will be available at each of the trailheads along the Monon South Trail. The trail and restrooms will be open during daylight hours.
  • Will the trail be paved?
    The trail will be paved within the municipality segments of the trail and those sections should be open in the Fall of 2024. The trail will include approximately 20 miles of trail scheduled to be constructed in Phase 1 in 2024. Those sections located within municipal boundaries will be predominantly paved with asphalt. Some portions inside the towns may be constructed with a crushed aggregate surface that is typically used on long-distance trails, such as the Katy Trail in Missouri. Additionally, the sections of the trail that will be built in the future to connect the town will be built with the crushed aggregate surface to help substantially reduce construction costs. At this time, the construction of the rural parts of the trail are contingent on future funding.
  • Will it be used as a bike trail as well as a walking path?
    The Monon South Trail will be 10 feet wide upon completion and will serve bikers, walkers, and runners in the communities. Motorized vehicles will not be permitted.
  • Can I get railroad ties?
    CSX has been responsible for all work on removing ties and rails up to this point and has its own contractor group working to remove the rails, ties, and other pieces of equipment. The Monon South Trail does not have any say or control in what is happening with the pieces removed from the trail. When the CSX contractor has finished its work along the corridor, the rails and ties will be removed from the trail property.
  • Will there be lighting along the trail?
    Some parts of the trail may feature lights along the corridor. The complete design features for the trail will be available in the coming months that will show the projected light design and areas where lights will be placed.
  • When does the trail open?
    Tentatively, municipal segments of the trail are expected to open in the spring of 2025. Please stay connected with is on Facebook to stay up-to-date on our progress!
  • Will there be security cameras?
    At this time, we do not have the funds available to install security cameras. If future funding becomes available, security cameras may be considered if there is community need and desire.
  • Where do people park?
    Parking will be available at trailheads in each community along the trail. Specific trailhead locations are still being determined, but Mitchell, Orleans, Salem, Borden, Campbellsburg, Saltillo, and New Pekin will all have their own trailheads. Trailheads are intended to serve both the local population of community members as well as visitors and tourists who will want to experience the Monon South Trail.
  • Will the brush along the edges of the trail be cleaned up?
    For safety and maintenance reasons, the brush will be cleared and there will be design plans for native plantings that will be more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
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